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Numer reklamy: 218081

łodzie motorowe / nowy

cena na zapytanie
Sprzedawca (przemysłowy)
Best-Boats24 Członek od 18.12.2013
Smits Jachtmakelaardij
Noord-Linschoterzandweg 20A
NL-3425 EK Snelrewaard
Osoba do kontaktu : René Smits
Numer telefonu
Zawsze wymieniaj podczas rozmowy telefonicznej:
Z Best-Boats24 i łódź ID: 218081
Tel: 0031 (0) 10 5118000
Komórka: 0031 (0) 6 22239207
Wyślij wiadomość
  • ARKSEN 45
  • ARKSEN 45
  • ARKSEN 45
  • ARKSEN 45
  • ARKSEN 45
  • ARKSEN 45
  • ARKSEN 45
  • ARKSEN 45
  • ARKSEN 45
  • ARKSEN 45
Oferta finansowania
Ubezpieczenie łodzi

Szczegóły techniczneostatnia aktualizacja w: 15.10.2024

Rok produkcji :
jak nowa
Całkowita długość:
13,55 m / 44,45 ft
3,25 m
Maks. zanurzenie:
0,90 m
Materiał tułowia:


The Arksen 45 is the flagship in the Adventure Series, designed to inspire the true explorer in all of usThe Arksen 45 is the flagship in the Adventure Series, designed to inspire the true explorer in all of us. Built in partnership with Ring Powercraft, this vessel is 45 feet long, equipped with four berths and offers the possibility of six berths, a range of up to 500 nm and speeds in excess of 50 knots.
Designed to be multifunctional, the Arksen 45 can support recreational, research and commercial voyages by operating as a tender/chase boat, or for independent adventure trips.
The ability for multi-day independent adventures allows owners and their guests to spend longer at their chosen destinations.The 45 provides a safe and comfortable ride in some of the world's most challenging locations. Separate forward cabin and shower area allow guests to freshen up in privacy after a swim or a day at the beach.
  • Spacious, protective cabin with flexible seating and up to four berths
  • Large salon various seating and storage options
  • Exceptional ride, comfort and handling in rough weather
  • Fast, efficient hull with high payload capacity
  • Comfortable, dry ride in all conditions
  • Twin or Triple outboard engine options
  • Options for twin jet or stern drive
  • Hybrid power options
  • Heating and air conditioning available
  • Foam-filled D-Tubes
  • Sunbed/lying/storage area
  • Choice of navigation packages

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