Fine sports boat with plenty of storage space and seating for 8 people. Boat is well trailerableMercury 150 EFI 4-stroke with only 37 sailing hours. Boat is in new condition and in our showroom. The combination of a very spacious cockpit, versatile option packages, easy operation and efficient power from the outboard engine ensure great fun on the water.
GENERALDisplacement: Approximately 1300 kgOther: XENGINE, ELECTRICS, WATEREngine hours: Approximately 37 sailing hoursEQUIPMENTOther: X
Höhe über Wasser: 1.11 metres; Herstellungsort: Sea Ray, Rumpffarbe: Black, Farbe der Aufbauten: White, Deckfarbe: White; : Zylinder: 6, Starter: Electric; Bimini-Verdeck: false;