Details: Ranieri International 285 LX of 2021 with 2 Honda Marine V6 2x250Hp electronic engines, white color. Interiors with open space cabin in the bow with four opening portholes, convertible central table, interior lights, full-beam aft bed, various lockers and storage spaces, thermal panel, separate bathroom with electric toilet and sink. Driving area with highly equipped console with double GPS, flaps system, fuel gauge, Heartz stereo system with speakers and subwoofer, compass, VHF radio, Simrad GPS system, second Simrad monitor, external wetbar with gas stove, sink, on-board computer, retractable electro-hydraulic table, complete cushions in excellent condition, double driver's seat with folding seat, folding side seats, decanting filters, double battery system with 4-way battery switch, external refrigerator, black roll bar with double awning, night light, navigation lights, white courtesy lights for step markers, console and seat cover, platforms with side sea ladder, electric windlass, entrance gate, pull-out shower at the stern, total synthetic teak, hydraulic steering, electronic engine throttle. Boat in excellent condition, sea trial, perfectly maintained. The engines are perfect and have 720 hours of motion to date. The boat can be seen at the Centro Nautico Lignano shipyard. Direct dial telephone 347 4077005 Navigation equipment: Electronic engine control, DSC vhf. Staging and technical: 2 Engine Alarm, Water pressure pump, Special Colour, Courtesy Lights, Entry door, Teak Cockpit (sintetico), Shorepower connector, Rollbar. Domestic Facilities onboard: Interior wooden floor, 12V Outlets, Black Water Tank. Entertainment: 4 Speakers, Hi-Fi. Kitchen and appliances: Deck Refrigerator. Upholstery: Cushions, Stern Cushions, Instrument Cover.; CE-Passagierkapazität: 10; Registrierung: IT;
Unterbringung: Stehhöhe: 1.90m; Toiletten: gesamt: 1, Toilette1: WC elektrisch;
Antrieb: Reisegeschwindigkeit: 25.0kn; Höchstgeschwindigkeit: 45.0kn;
Tanks: Frischwassertank, Volumen: 130l; Kraftstofftank, Volumen: 520l;
Motoren: Motor1: Außenborder, Honda BF250 XDU, 250.0PS, Benzin, Betriebsstunden: 720, Motor2: Außenborder, Honda BF250 XDU, 250.0PS, Benzin, Betriebsstunden: 720;
Navigation: UKW-Funk, GPS, Kartenplotter: 2x, Kompass, Echolot, Bordcomputer, Positionslampen;
Technik: Batterie: 2x, Batterieladegerät, Anker, elektrische Ankerwinde, Trimmklappen: 2x elektrisch;
Einrichtung: Kochfeld Gas, Spülbecken;
Deck: Deckdusche, Badeleiter, Cockpittisch;
Abdeckungen: Sonnensegel;
Sicherheit: Bilgepumpe elektrisch, Nebelhorn;
Extra: 220V plugs, bilge pump manual;