Details: Idea Marine 70.2 WA year 2024 with Honda Marine BF200 V6 4-stroke outboard engine with 45 hours of operation, perfect, complete with stainless steel awning, built-in external refrigerator with icebox, double battery, removable benches in the cockpit, total cover, summer cover sheets (3 pieces), elongated platforms with retractable ladder, separate bathroom with door, sink, electric toilet, Simrad cartographic GPS with stern transducer and map, SVH85 computer, folding aft backrest, two-tone beige cushions, water system, autoclave system with aft shower, sink under the driver's seat, sink in the internal bathroom, hydraulic steering, electric winch with 2 control stations (console and bow). Excellent price for an equally excellent used one! Sale in the agency and visible in storage paid by us indoors until April 2025! Staging and technical: Engine Alarm, Water pressure pump, Special Colour (fascia blu scuro), Washbasin in the cockpit, Entry door. Domestic Facilities onboard: 12V Outlets. Kitchen and appliances: Deck Refrigerator. Upholstery: Cushions, Stern Cushions, Bow Cushions, Instrument Cover, Seat Cover.; CE-Passagierkapazität: 10;
Unterbringung: Toiletten: gesamt: 1, Toilette1: WC elektrisch;
Motoren: Motor1: Außenborder, Honda BF200 XRU V6, 200.0PS, Benzin, Betriebsstunden: 50;
Navigation: GPS, Kartenplotter, Kompass, Echolot, Log, Bordcomputer;
Technik: Batterie: 2x, Anker, elektrische Ankerwinde;
Deck: Deckdusche, Badeleiter, Cockpittisch;
Abdeckungen: Bimini-Top, Vollpersenning, Sonnensegel;
Sicherheit: Bilgepumpe elektrisch, Nebelhorn;
Extra: bilge pump manual;