Unique museum seaworthy ship, completely restored with love and care, original authentic interior and exterior.Unique museum seaworthy ship, with love and care completely restored (new plane),
original authentic interior and exterior, equipped with many conveniences and well habitable,
good sailor with 2 man / woman to sail
GENERALBallast: lead ballast on planeENGINE, ELECTRICS, WATERCooling system: Beun refrigeration in SB bilgePropulsion: 3-blade bronze screwFuel consumption: approx. 5 liters/hourVoltage: 12 volts for motor and plotter 24 volts for water pumps and lights, inverterDynamo: 12 and 24 volt alternatorShorepower: 220 V. with ground faultRIG AND SAILSSailplan type: Gaff rig, Mainsail Jib and 2 jibsSpars, stays: Solid Larix mast 16.5 m long, protruded through deck 50x50 cm.Winches: Anchor and Rigging winch by Strikwerda Worm gear winch on boom Two riveted sword winches with automatic mechanismSails material: Clip cloth, white Dacron whiteNAVIGATION AND ELECTRONICSOther: Board lighting
recently installed new LED board lighting steam light and anchor light
loose rubber plug-in spotlight on 24 volt in dashboard
EQUIPMENTAnchor windlass: Strikwerda anchor winch manually operatedSea rails, pushpit, pullpit: Dismountable bdz 3 scepters with red dynema linesSAFETYRadar reflector: Riveted aluminum reflectorLife jackets: Life jackets 2 automat. Redd. Vests and several orange life jacketsGas bottle locker with drain: Plastic gas bun in aft deck
10041; Ballast: loodbalast op vlak kg; : Heizung; : Kompass, Windmesser, Autopilot, VHF, Plotter; : Lenzpumpe, Feuerlöscher; : Typ: Gaffeltuig, Grootzeil Fok en 2 kluivers, Rundstangen Takelage: Massieve Larix mast 16,5 mtr lang, gestoken door dek 50x50 cm., Winden: Anker en Tuiglier van Strikwerda Wormwiellier op giek Twee geklonken zwaardlieren met automatisch mechaniek, Segelmaterial: Clipperdoek, wit Dacron wit, Großsegel: Grootzeil en kleine kluiver Clipperdoek, Fok en grote kluiver wit Dacron, Hauptsegel: Grootzeil en kleine kluiver Clipperdoek, Fok en grote kluiver wit Dacron; : Batterie, Ladegerät, Inverter; Anker;