Well built cutter yacht,by Jachtwerf De Ruiter, Den Bosch-NL. Tough and beautifully lined, to the design of Volker. The yacht is well equipped and suitable for larger trips and/or longer stays on board. Two diesel engines, navigation electronics, both hot air heating and central heating system with radiators, dishwasher & washing machine, support sail with electric-hydraulic folding support mast.
GENERALSteering system: Steering position inside and steering position on aft deckWindows: Toughened glass in Rafa aluminum window profilesOther: • Underwater ship blasted in 2012 and epoxy coated
• Hull above waterline blasted in 2012, filled and newly painted
ACCOMMODATIONSaloons: Cockpit annex saloon, kitchen with round seatCabins: Front and aft cabinBerths: 4 Fixed berths. Double bed on round seat possible and extra bed in saloonTelevision: TV-FlatscreenCooker & fuel: 3-Burner gas comfortOther: • Hot air heating on diesel
• Martime Booster central heating system, with radiators
• Siemens dishwasher
• Washing machine
ENGINE, ELECTRICS, WATERCooling system: Closed cooling system with bun coolingDynamo: 220 volt alternator on starboard engineSolar panel: 2x solar panel on cabin roofHot water: Hot water via geyserOther: • Access to engine room from wet cell aft and through engine room floorboards
RIG AND SAILSSailplan type: Support sail, aft deckSpars, stays: Folding mast, with boom and support sailNumber of masts: Electric-hydraulic fold-down support mastEQUIPMENTAnchor windlass: Vetus 1200 watt electric anchor winchSea rails, pushpit, pullpit: Steel scepters, with teak hand railDavits: Stainless steel davitsOther: • Teak deck on plywood lower deck from 2011
SAFETYGas bottle locker with drain: Gas bun under starboard side deck
903774; : Kühlschrank, Heizung; : Bugstrahlruder, Reisegeschwindigkeit: Etwa 15 km/h bei 1200/1300 U/min; : GPS, Plotter; : Toilette, Dusche; : Typ: Stützsegel, Achterdeck, Rundstangen Takelage: Klappmast, mit Baum und Vorsegel; : Ladegerät, Generator, Inverter; Anker, Sprayhood;