Details: Idea Marine 58 Open used by private individual, visible on site at Centro Nautico Lignano, always stored in the shed, single owner, unparalleled aesthetic conditions for a used 2018, Honda Marine BF40E 998cc outboard engine always serviced and managed by our office, 125 hours of motion as of 09/12/2024, never a problem or imperfection! Seeing is believing. Boat equipped with stainless steel awning, perfect complete cushions, water tank with inoc boarding, fuel tank with stainless steel boarding, 12V system, battery switch, battery, dark blue side color, fuel decanter filter, ladder to the sea, utility panel with fuses, 12V lighter socket, folding table / sundeck, complete cover kit for external cover, regulation navigation lights, mechanical steering, horn, GPA and Raymarine Dragon 5S sonar, Honda Raymarine PR70 computer, analog fuel gauge, mooring and safety equipment. Perfect used boat visible indoors in our storage. Direct info 347 4077005 - uniro referente Michele Andretta Staging and technical: Engine Alarm, Water pressure pump, Special Colour (blu scuro), Manual Windlass. Domestic Facilities onboard: 12V Outlets. Upholstery: Cushions.; CE-Passagierkapazität: 7; Registrierung: IT;
Antrieb: Reisegeschwindigkeit: 16.0kn; Höchstgeschwindigkeit: 26.0kn;
Tanks: Frischwassertank, Volumen: 30l; Kraftstofftank, Volumen: 80l;
Motoren: Motor1: Außenborder, Honda BF40E, 40.0PS, Benzin, Betriebsstunden: 125;
Navigation: GPS, Kartenplotter: Raymarine Dragonfly 5s, Kompass, Echolot, Bordcomputer: Raymarine PR70, Positionslampen;
Technik: Batterie, Anker: manuale;
Deck: Deckdusche, Badeleiter, Cockpittisch;
Abdeckungen: Bimini-Top, Sonnensegel;
Sicherheit: Bilgepumpe elektrisch, Nebelhorn;