Diseado en 1952 por Laurent Giles, arquitecto navalConstruido en Bilbao (Espaa) por los astilleros Udondoy botado en Barcelona en 1953.Este barco,junto con el Miranda IV, fueron los dos primeros barcos con el timn separado de la quilla, lo que les proporcionaba mayor maniobrabilidad.Su ancha manga, para la poca, le daba una mayor flotabilidad y por lo tanto una reduccin de la superficie mojada.Desde la creacin de la clase Barcos de poca ha ganado regatas como, Trofeo Almirante Conde de Barcelona,Raduno di vele de Epoca di Porto Cervo,Campeonato de Catalua, Ruta de la Sal,Trofeo Capita Vidal,Ruta Colombina y un largo etcEn los ltimos 8 aos ha estado dando la vuelta al mundo con sus propietarios, comportndose en todo momento como el gran barco que es. -UN CAMPEON-Designed in 1952 by Laurent Giles, naval architectBuilt in Bilbao (Spain) by the Udondo shipyards and launched in Barcelona in 1953.This boat, along with Miranda IV, were the first two boats with the rudder separated from the keel, which gave them greater maneuverability.His wide sleeve, for the time, gave him a greater buoyancy and therefore a reduction of the wet surface.Since the creation of the class Barcos de poca, it has won regattas like, Almirante Conde de Barcelona Trophy,Raduno di vele from Epoca di Porto Cervo,Catalonia Championship, Ruta de la Sal,Capita Vidal Trophy,Colombian Route and a long etcIn the last 8 years he has been going around the world with his owners, behaving at all times as the great ship he is. -A CHAMPION-COMENTARIO GENERAL sobre el modeloLaurence Giles, arquitecto naval ingls, inici el desarrollo de lo que llam barcos de desplazamiento ligero con el Myth of Malham, construdo en el ao 1947 se hizo famoso en la regata de la travesa del Atlntico y vencedor dos veces de la Admiral Cup.A este prototipo le siguieron una sucesin de barcos, basados en la misma idea, llegaron a su culminacin en el Cypsela, pasando por barcos tan relevantes, en el Mediterraneo como podra ser el Miranda IV.Diseando mangas mayores a las acostumbradas en aquel momento consegua una mayor flotabilidad y por tanto menos superficie mojada y consecuentemente menor friccin.Sobre este principio, que los americanos ya venan utilizando con anterioridad, fue adicionando nuevas ideas hasta llegar al Cypsela,, barco que se puede considerar el prototipo de la nutica moderna.En l se suprimi la quilla corrida y se reemplaz por una quilla de 3m. de Calado, , soportada por largos pernos y que inclua 1/3 del desplazamiento bruto en PLOMO fundido.De este modo sumaba una gran estabilidad al jugar con la manga, el peso y su gran calado. A fin de reducir la eslora mxima, que siempre ha penalizado en las normas de medicin, hizo desaparecer la popa lanzada, cortndola hacia proa, formndose el espejo que hoy se puede ver en todo barco moderno. Al separar el timn de la quilla consigui ganar maniobrabilidad, manteniendo una gran sensibilidad junto con una gran suavidad en el manejo.GENERAL COMMENT on the modelLaurence Giles, English naval architect, began the development of what he called light displacement boats with the Myth of Malham, built in 1947, became famous in the Atlantic crossing regatta and twice winner of the Admiral Cup.This prototype was followed by a succession of boats, based on the same idea, reaching its culmination in the Cypsela, passing through boats as relevant in the Mediterranean as the Miranda IV could be.Designing sleeves larger than those customary at that time achieved greater buoyancy and therefore less wet surface and consequently less friction.Based on this principle, which the Americans had been using previously, he added new ideas until he reached the Cypsela, a ship that can be considered the prototype of modern sailing.In it, the running keel was removed and replaced by a 3m keel. of Draft, , supported by long bolts and that included 1/3 of the gross displacement in cast LEAD.In this way, it added great stability when playing with the sleeve, the weight and its great draft. In order to reduce the maximum length, which has always penalized measurement standards, he made the projecting stern disappear, cutting it towards the bow, forming the mirror that can be seen today in all modern boats. By separating the rudder from the keel, it managed to gain maneuverability, maintaining great sensitivity along with great smoothness in handling.El casco del Cypsela se basa en unas cuadernas de 25 mm de ancho, por 20 mm de grosor, sobre las que van remachados los forros hechos de sandwinch de dos tablas de Samanguila, la interior en diagonal y la exterior en horizontal con lona de algodn intermedia.Con ello consigui rebajar muchsimo el peso del barco ganando con ello rapidez y maniobrabilidad. La cubierta en quebranto, comparando con las de arrufo, proporciona una habitabilidad superior en el interior y gracias a ello puedo recortar la obra muerta con la consiguiente reduccin en el peso.Por ltimo al colocar el palo sobre cubierta favoreci el poder hacer una distribucin interior muy superior a la acostumbrada, consiguiendo tener tres camarotes independientes, cmara espaciosa, cocina y dos baos. Desde su inicio tuvo muchos xitos en las regatas del Mediterrneo destacando en la famosa Giraglia y Copa del Mediterrneo hasta llegar en los ltimos tiempos, y ya como barco clsico, a quedar primero de su categora en el Raduno de Barcos de poca de Porto Cervo en el ao 1984 y vencer en un Trofeo Almirante Conde de Barcelona, slo por mencionar unos pocos trofeos del su gran palmars.Durante los ltimos 9 aos ha dado la vuelta al mundo recorriendo en total 45.000millas en las que se ha encontrado con todo tipo de mares y vientos y ha demostrado su buen navegar trasatlntico y su buena forma. El Cypsela ha pertenecido siempre a la misma sociedad aunque las acciones han cambiado cinco veces de propietario siendo del ltimo propietario 35 aos.Durante estos 35 aos el barco a tenido dos grandes reparaciones:La primera en 1984 cuando lo compramos en un estado deplorable hicimos trancaniles y regalas nuevas, rascado el barco a madera, calafateado y re clavado de forros, calafateado de cubierta y reparacin de baera e interiores.La segunda en el ao 2004-5 en Pucket se le hizo una gran obra estructural y se le cambiaron 5 mamparos, las carlingas del palo de cubierta y de quilla, los cadenotes, el trancanil , la regala, se reforzaron dos baos, se re clavaron el resto de ellos y se hizo una popa nueva de teca.The hull of the Cypsela is based on frames 25 mm wide by 20 mm thick, on which the linings made of sandwinch from two Samanguila boards are riveted, the inner diagonal and the outer horizontal with cotton canvas. intermediate.With this he managed to greatly reduce the weight of the boat thereby gaining speed and maneuverability. The broken cover, compared to the sheer ones, provides a superior habitability inside and thanks to this I can cut the dead work with the consequent reduction in weight.Finally, by placing the mast on deck, it favored the ability to make an interior distribution much higher than usual, managing to have three independent cabins, a spacious chamber, a kitchen and two bathrooms. Since its inception, it had many successes in the Mediterranean regattas, standing out in the famous Giraglia and the Mediterranean Cup until arriving in recent times, and already as a classic boat, to be first in its category in the Raduno of Vintage Boats of Porto Cervo in in 1984 and win an Almirante Conde de Barcelona Trophy, just to mention a few trophies from his great track record.During the last 9 years he has traveled around the world traveling a total of 45,000 miles in which he has encountered all kinds of seas and winds and has demonstrated his good transatlantic sailing and his good form. The Cypsela has always belonged to the same company, although the shares have changed owners five times, the last owner being 35 years old.During these 35 years the ship has had two major repairs:The first in 1984 when we bought it in a deplorable state, we made new stringers and gunwales, scraped the boat to wood, caulking and re-nailing the linings, caulking the deck and repairing the cockpit and interiors.The second in 2004-5 in Pucket underwent a major structural work and 5 bulkheads were changed, the deck mast and keel cockpits, the chainstays, the stringer, the gunwale, two beams were reinforced, the rest of them were nailed down and a new teak stern was made.