Jarl Lindblom DiseadorJarl Lindblom (1902-1985) was born in Turku. His father was a ship's captain from Nagu (Nauvo) and his mother was the daughter of August Westin, the shipyard owner from Runsala (Ruissalo). The young Jarl earl was matriculated as a student in Vaasa, did well in his further studies and graduated in 1928 as Master of Science in machine construction, from the mechanical engineering department of the Technical University of Helsinki. He travelled to Sweden, Germany, England and the USA. Against this background, it is not surprising that his contribution in life would revolve around propeller technology, sailboats and industrial shipbuilding.Jarl Lindblom (1902-1985) naci en Turku. Su padre era el capitn de un barco de Nagu (Nauvo) y su madre era hija de August Westin, el propietario del astillero de Runsala (Ruissalo). El joven Jarl Earl se matricul como estudiante en Vaasa, le fue bien en sus estudios posteriores y se gradu en 1928 como Master of Science en construccin de mquinas, del departamento de ingeniera mecnica de la Universidad Tcnica de Helsinki. Viaj a Suecia, Alemania, Inglaterra y Estados Unidos. En este contexto, no es sorprendente que su contribucin en la vida girara en torno a la tecnologa de hlices, veleros y construccin naval industrial.Jarl Lindblom was a calm and seasoned helmsman, focusing his racing interest on the international 5m class. He designed several experimental fives for his own use, such asTaini,Linain 1937 (still actively sailing),Laurawith a centreboard, the Starboat-likeLindaand the skimming dish. Jarl Lindblom and his strong crew were most successful withLinain 1937-39.Jarl Lindblom era un timonel tranquilo y experimentado, centrando su inters en las carreras en la clase internacional de 5m. Dise varios 5 m experimentales para su propio uso, como Taini, Lina en 1937 (todava navegando activamente), Laura con un tablero central, la Linda como Starboat y el plato desnatador. Jarl Lindblom y su fuerte tripulacin tuvieron ms xito con Lina en 1937-39.During the period 1934-44, Lindblom operated as an independent yacht designer, running his own design office. In 1940, however, he was temporarily employed at the Shipbuilding bureau of the Finnish Navy, which sent him to the United States to study modern manufacturing methods. He was stationed at the Higgins shipyard for pleasure boats, which during the war built light naval ships for the U.S. Navy. Once returned, Lindblom was given the task of developing a new motor torpedo boat, to be built in wood in Finland, based on the experience of theItalian Baglietto motorboats. His knowledge of engines, propellers and bottom shapes now came in handy. The result was theTaistoclass, which achieved just over 50 knots on a full plane.Durante el perodo 1934-44, Lindblom funcion como diseador de yates independiente, dirigiendo su propia oficina de diseo. En 1940, sin embargo, trabaj temporalmente en la oficina de construccin naval de la Marina finlandesa, que lo envi a los Estados Unidos para estudiar mtodos modernos de fabricacin. Estaba estacionado en el astillero de Higgins para embarcaciones de recreo, que durante la guerra construyeron naves ligeras para la Marina de los EE. UU. Una vez que regres, a Lindblom se le encomend la tarea de desarrollar un nuevo torpedero a motor, que se construira en madera en Finlandia, basado en la experiencia de los barcos italianos Baglietto. Su conocimiento de motores, hlices y formas inferiores ahora fue til. El resultado fue la clase Taisto, que alcanz poco ms de 50 nudos en un planeo completo.Con Lina en 1937-39.In 1945, Jarl Lindblom was nominated technical manager of the newly foundedLaivateollisuus. Its task within the war-reparations programme was to build 90 three-masted wooden schooners. Lindblom had to design the ships, the factory layouts and manufacturing methods. With the help of his American experience of assembly lines and lamination technology, Lindblom managed to complete the demanding program. The delivered schooners were functional and well-sailing.En 1945, Jarl Lindblom fue nombrado gerente tcnico del recin fundado Laivateollisuus. Su tarea dentro del programa de reparaciones de guerra era construir 90 goletas de madera de tres mstiles. Lindblom tuvo que disear los barcos, los diseos de fbrica y los mtodos de fabricacin. Con la ayuda de su experiencia estadounidense en lneas de ensamblaje y tecnologa de laminacin, Lindblom logr completar el exigente programa.Las goletas entregadas eran funcionales y bien navegadas.