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Číslo inzerátu: 230496

Motorové čluny / použitý

85000.00 € (včetně DPH)
Poskytovatel (živnostenský)
Člen skupiny Best-Boats24 od 30.09.2008
Jachtmakelaardij Kappers
Sluispad-Noord 1
NL-4797 SN Willemstad
Telefonní číslo
Během telefonního hovoru vždy se zmiňuj:
Z Best-Boats24 a člun ID: 230496
Tel: 0031 (0) 168 473553
Fax: 0031 (0) 168 473175
Odeslat zprávu
  • LUXE MOTOR 1600
  • LUXE MOTOR 1600
  • LUXE MOTOR 1600
  • LUXE MOTOR 1600
  • LUXE MOTOR 1600
  • LUXE MOTOR 1600
  • LUXE MOTOR 1600
  • LUXE MOTOR 1600
  • LUXE MOTOR 1600
  • LUXE MOTOR 1600
  • LUXE MOTOR 1600
  • LUXE MOTOR 1600
  • LUXE MOTOR 1600
  • LUXE MOTOR 1600
  • LUXE MOTOR 1600
  • LUXE MOTOR 1600
Nabídka financování
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Technické detailyposlední aktualizace v: 10.12.2024

Rok výroby:
Celková délka:
15.98 m / 52.43 ft
3.10 m
Max. ponor:
0.60 m
Materiál trup:


Luxury engine with a beautiful classic line , suitable for long trips and liveaboard.This riveted Luxe Motor from 1925 is a beautiful sight on the water. She received a new John Deere engine in 2005 and can therefore sail the Dutch waters for years to come, delighting people with her classic lines and keeping alive the memory of the turn-of-the-century times. The aft deck is spacious and also the renovated wheelhouse is spacious and pleasant to observe the world around you during the day while having a drink, there is always something to see on the water. Also while sailing you have perfect views all around from here.
The space in front of the boat is certainly sufficient for two people to stay or live on for a longer period of time. The bedroom and bathroom are spacious and offer plenty of light. The intimacy is simple but very effective and in keeping with the atmosphere of inland navigation. The current owners have been all over Europe in the past 30 years with their Luxe motor, several times to Berlin and Paris. The Moselle, the Meuse and the Rhine offer no surprises for this classic heavy-built luxury motor yacht.
GENERALSteering system: With two steering cylindersOther: The last anti fouling was in spring '2023. The deck, boeing and wheelhouse were painted as recently as winter '23/24.
ACCOMMODATIONTelevision: Digital TV connection no longer worksENGINE, ELECTRICS, WATERHot water: Rinnai GeiserFuel tank gauge: Does not function well.

: Kühlschrank, Heizung; : Bugstrahlruder; : Toilette; : Batterie, Ladegerät;
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