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Číslo inzerátu: 209972

Plachetnice / použitý / Dufour 32

162000.00 € (včetně DPH)
Poskytovatel (živnostenský)
Člen skupiny Best-Boats24 od 30.09.2008
Jachtmakelaardij Kappers
Sluispad-Noord 1
NL-4797 SN Willemstad
Telefonní číslo
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Z Best-Boats24 a člun ID: 209972
Tel: 0031 (0) 168 473553
Fax: 0031 (0) 168 473175
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  • DUFOUR 32
  • DUFOUR 32
  • DUFOUR 32
  • DUFOUR 32
  • DUFOUR 32
  • DUFOUR 32
  • DUFOUR 32
  • DUFOUR 32
  • DUFOUR 32
  • DUFOUR 32
  • DUFOUR 32
  • DUFOUR 32
  • DUFOUR 32
  • DUFOUR 32
  • DUFOUR 32
  • DUFOUR 32
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Technické detailyposlední aktualizace v: 10.12.2024

Rok výroby:
Celková délka:
10.31 m / 33.83 ft
3.31 m
Max. ponor:
1.90 m
Materiál trup:


Interesting offer of a young Dufour 32Unique opportunity for an interesting and fast delivery of a Dufour 32. The yacht has served as a demonstration yacht, with promotion and introduction purposes. There is of course the possibility to further customize the yacht according to your specific wishes.
This Dufour is a nice and distinctive contemporary model. In terms of sailing characteristics, both recreational and sporty sailors will be satisfied. The yacht is very easy to sail, thanks, among other things, to the self-tacking jib, with all (reefing) lines controlled from the cockpit. Of course, the sail wardrobe can be expanded, with Code-O, and/or Gennaker for those who want to get the last knot out of the yacht. Upon entering, the yacht not only smells like new, but you also come aboard a sailing yacht of the latest generation: a light and spacious interior, practically laid out for a comfortable stay on board!
GENERALHull shape: Round bilge with modern bend in sternSteering system: Tiller including Spinlock tiller extenderWindows: Plastic windows and aluminum opening gatesOther: Length over all: 10,31 m - Hull length: 9,35 m - Waterline length: 8,70 m.
This Dufour 32 is offered to you according to the current specification for Euro 162,000,- including 21% VAT. The yacht can be further specified to your wishes in consultation.
ACCOMMODATIONSaloons: Salon with L-kitchen, folding coffee table with two longitudinal benches.Cabins: Spacious aft cabin and front cabinOther:   • 230V and USB sockets through interior
  • Blinding for windows superstructure and for hatches to be opened.

ENGINE, ELECTRICS, WATERWater system: Also foot pump outside water at sinkHot water: Water water by boilerRIG AND SAILSSpars, stays: Aluminum mast profile, with two pairs of pegged anchorsWinches: Lewmar selftailingJib: Self-tacking jib (22 sqm) on foredeck integrated railFurling foresail: Role-referencing profileEQUIPMENTAnchor windlass: Electric anchor winch in anchor boxFenders, lines: Fender (4x) and multi-line set (4x)Outdoor cushions: Two molded back cushions in the cockpitOther:   • Removable anchor fittings
  • Flexi-teak in cockpit
  • Teak cockpit table, removable, can also be used as a basic sun bed in the cockpit.

SAFETYOther: * Specification subject to client approval and offer subject to availability.

903718; Rumpftyp: Runde Bilge mit modernem Bug im Heck, Deck: Deckkonstruktion mit Injektionstechnik hergestellt; : Kühlschrank, Heizung; : Toilette, Dusche; : Rundstangen Takelage: Mastprofil aus Aluminium, mit zwei Paar Erdnägeln, Winden: Lewmar Selbstauskunft, Großsegel: Durchgelattetes Großsegel (34 qm) mit Großfallanlage - Lazy Jacks, Fock: Selbstwendefock (22 qm) auf integrierter Schiene im Vorschiff, Fock-Reffsystem: Rollenreferenzierendes Profil, Hauptsegel: Durchgelattetes Großsegel (34 qm) mit Großfallanlage - Lazy Jacks; : Batterie, Ladegerät; Sprayhood;
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