Číslo inzerátu: s257448
Poskytovatel (živnostenský)
Člen skupiny Best-Boats24 od 22.11.2012
Centro Nautico Lignano srl via Lignano Sabbiadoro, 156
I-33050 Pertegada di Latisana (UD)
Kontaktní osoba: Andretta Michele
Telefonní číslo
Během telefonního hovoru vždy se zmiňuj: Z Best-Boats24 a člun ID: s257448
Tel: 0039 0431 53363
Fax: 0039 0431 1980103
Mobil: 0039 347 4077005
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Technické detailyposlední aktualizace v: 11.02.2025
Rok výroby: 2021
Max. cestující: 9
Celková délka: 6.40 m / 21.00 ft
Šířka: 2.54 m
Max. ponor: 0.35 m
Hmotnost: 1.250 kg
Provozních hodin: 190.00
Palivová nádrž: 90.00 l
Details: 2020 Soleil 20 windlass with Mercury F115 Pro XS 4-stroke 2020 outboard engine with 189 engine hours as of 03/10/2024, Fabric Impression Orca tubulars in Military Gray color, complete and perfect cushions in Champagne color (Warm Beige), bow sundeck extension, aft sundeck extension, shower system with 30lt tank, regulation navigation lights, bow and stern sunbathing kit, sun awning with stainless steel arches, 90lt fuel tank, table with folding leg, CE certified, hydraulic steering, Orca Fabric Impression tubulars, battery with battery switch, original stainless steel awning in the same colour, full cover, stern platforms with retractable sea ladder, manual windlass, compass, trumpet, ring finger and line, separate trolley on request for 2, 800 euros model Ellebi 1500 complete with additional axle and spare wheel. Visible at Centro Nautico Lignano. Direct info 3474077005 Staging and technical: Engine Alarm, Water pressure pump, Manual Windlass, Table. Domestic Facilities onboard: 12V Outlets. Upholstery: Cushions.; CE-Passagierkapazität: 9; Registrierung: IT;
Antrieb: Reisegeschwindigkeit: 25.0kn; Höchstgeschwindigkeit: 32.0kn;
Tanks: Frischwassertank, Volumen: 30l; Kraftstofftank, Volumen: 90l;
Motoren: Motor1: Außenborder, Mercury F115, 115.0PS, Benzin, Betriebsstunden: 190;
Navigation: Kompass, Bordcomputer, Positionslampen;
Technik: Batterie, Anker;
Deck: Badeleiter;
Abdeckungen: Bimini-Top;
Sicherheit: Bilgepumpe elektrisch, Nebelhorn;
Extra: bilge pump manual;
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